
Blog Mixer

So - I have a confession- I secretly wish I had more followers.....

With that being said- I am linking up with Yearn to Learn and joining in her See and Find Blog Mixer Linky Party.

New Kid on the Block: (we share the last name)

Just Reed!

Blogger in my same gradelevel: (LOVE this blog!)

Blogger in a Different Grade Level: (SUCH amazing ideas & now a newlywed)

Cute Button Find:

Speaking of BUTTONS- I need one! I also need a new design- I have emailed several people about a new blog design but never hear anything back- I at least want a cute button somehow! 


  1. Love your confession! I'm the same way...I'm constantly checking to see how many followers I have. Silly!!


  2. I found you through your attached link on some comment you made on someone's site...Love your confession, too! I've only been (actively) blogging for a few weeks, and I get so excited when I log-on and find new followers! I kind of feel partial to newbies since we're all learning together! Come see me!

  3. I'm a follower! Thanks for sharing about my blog in the blog mixer linky party. :)

  4. Ok, since everyone is confessing, I will too! I just started a blog a few days ago and am trying to get my blog out there in blogworld! I know how it is to start out! I think your blog looks great and you have some great stuff on here! I am now a follower!

    Sarah Adams
