My mind is in Spring Break mode already and so that last thing I want to do when I get home at night or on the weekends is think about school ( I know, bad teacher). I have been avoiding my blog and computer and instead spending much time with my precious Lyla and my husband!
We went to Disneyland this past Friday and had a BLAST! We are going back next week- when I'm on Spring Break and I can't wait!!!!
As I sit here eating my Spring Oreos and milk and watching Bethenny Ever After- I can't help but think this time next week- I wont' have to get up early and I can do what I want all day and night :)
In good news- my district will not be laying off any teachers next year! I get to keep my job! :)- I was safe last year but wasn't sure how deep the cuts would go if they had to cut at all this year. Also, 1st grade is staying at 24:1 instead of going up to 30- I am EVEN more excited about that. I hope I get to stay in my same room- I have been teaching for almost 7 years and have never been in the same classroom for more than 2 years in a row....
So- now for some things I have been working on - I got the cutest little domino pouches from Oriental Trading....
I created this worksheet for Math centers: (click to download-I'm feeling to lazy to show a picture)
Domino Math Center
OK- so I am having MAJOR issues with Google Docs- I save my things as PDF's but Google Docs is not uploading them as PDF's everything is getting all messed up and I don't know how to fix it- anyone out there know what I can do or another program I can use???
Just found your blog, lots of great ideas! I'd love to have a copy of your domino center. I couldn't get the google doc to work on this. I see you mentioned having trouble with google docs on this. Would you mind emailing it to me? I'd appreciate it!